Please pray for us:

We ask the Lord for Discernment, Provision and Protection (DPP).

Jesus promised, “I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

 John 14:13 (NIV)


We have much to be thankful for! 

  • We are privileged to teach the Bible to the children of Honduras. More than 100 kids attend our Sunday school.
  • We have highly committed Christians on our Board of Directors and our Local Volunteer Team.
  • The neediest children in our program are blessed with a sponsor and get their spiritual and physical needs met.
  • Construction is underway on our Sunday school building. Thank you Lord for generous donors and golfers!
  • We have hosted several international and local groups and individual missionaries to this day.

​Glory to our God and King for our many blessings!!!

PRAYERS: Please continue to pray for us. We need the following big miracles.


  • Wisdom on the most engaging techniques and activities to present the Gospel and teach the Bible to the children.
  • Who we need to partner with locally and internationally.
  • How to train and equip our volunteers to be the best representatives of Christ to the kids. 
  • Best ways to minister to the parents to raise their interest on the spiritual and secular education of their children.


  • Our greatest need at the moment is finished classrooms to teach our Sunday school classes.

                - The capital building fund goal for this year is $50,000 to paint and furnish our classrooms.
                - We need $100,000 total to complete the entire children’s ministry building.

  • We would like 200 children attending Sunday school.
  • To serve 200 children we need 25 trained local volunteer teachers, at present we have 12 teachers.
  • We want all our Sunday school classes fully sponsored with 5 sponsors per class.


  • For the Holy Spirit to guard the children’s hearts and for the seed we plant to sprout for the kingdom of God.​
  • For a hedge of protection around the ministry’s property and our personal property to keep away thieves and the destroyer.
  • For all the kids and volunteers to stay healthy.

    Thank you for remembering us in your prayers and for your faithful support.

In His Name,
​Paul and Hilda Ozymy